2025 PCT Beginning Teacher Programmes
First Year PCT Programmes
The First Year PCT Programme supports new teachers working with students aged 0-3 years through nine practical PLD sessions, which include seven in-person sessions and two Zoom meetings. At the start of the year, new teachers receive important advice and guidelines around what an effective Induction and Mentoring Programme involves, in alignment with the learning setting they are in. Each session/mentoring focus has been carefully thought out and scheduled at a time of the year when it is most needed. Key topics encompass effective classroom management, routines and organisation, establishing positive relationships and growth mindset. Also prioritised are up to date literacy and mathematics approaches as well as current Te Reo Māori and New Zealand Histories. Included for the PCTs in this junior programme are sessions demonstrating how to integrate science (STEM), music and movement, drama (with Circle Time coaching) and mindfulness into a busy curriculum. The final session focuses on dyslexia support, providing practical strategies and insights for teachers. Each session is led by a variety of experienced and approachable facilitators, bringing pedagogy and practical strategies together ensuring teachers are well-equipped with the essential knowledge and skills needed to foster positive learning environments and programmes in their education setting. Collaboration and networking underpins this programme and there are regular opportunities for teachers to discuss, review, adapt, reflect and continuously develop their practice.
Jo Williams provides consistent on-going mentorship all year in this programme, and there is additional mentoring support for new entrant teachers.
Teachers who teach 0-3 Year Students
Teachers who teach 4-8 Year Students
The First Year PCT Programme supports new teachers working with students aged 4-8 years through nine practical PLD sessions, which include seven in-person sessions and two Zoom meetings. At the start of the year, new teachers receive important advice and guidelines around what an effective Induction and Mentoring Programme involves, in alignment with the learning setting they are in. Each session/mentoring focus has been carefully thought out and scheduled at a time of the year when it is most needed. Key topics encompass effective classroom management, routines and organisation, establishing positive relationships and growth mindset. Also prioritised are up to date literacy and mathematics approaches as well as current Te Reo Māori and New Zealand Histories. Included for the PCTs in this senior programme are sessions demonstrating how to integrate science (STEM), outdoors education, drama (with Circle Time coaching) and mindfulness into a busy curriculum. The final session focuses on dyslexia support, providing practical strategies and insights for teachers. Each session is led by a variety of experienced and approachable facilitators, bringing pedagogy and practical strategies together ensuring teachers are well-equipped with the essential knowledge and skills needed to foster positive learning environments and programmes in their education setting. Collaboration and networking underpins this programme and there are regular opportunities for teachers to discuss, review, adapt, reflect and continuously develop their practice.
As well as Jo Williams providing consistent on-going mentorship all year in this programme, additional guest facilitators also offer mentoring support to our intermediate teachers.
Second Year PCT Programmes
Teachers who teach 4-8 Year Students
The Second Year PCT Programme supports new teachers entering into their second year of teaching working with students aged 4-8 years. They receive eight practical PLD sessions, which include seven in-person sessions and one Zoom meeting. At the start of the year, the PCTs receive refresher advice and guidelines around what an effective Induction and Mentoring Programme involves, in alignment with the learning setting they are in. The first session also presents an opportunity for teachers to review, reflect and refresh effective classroom management, organisation, routines, positive relationships and growth mindset. The second year programme offers content that goes deeper now that teachers have developed good foundations of how to run effective programmes in their first year. The programme covers essential topics, including current literacy and maths approaches, digital technology and digital literacy and effective support for English language learners (ESOL). In addition for the PCTs in this senior programme are sessions focusing on student engagement, purposeful extension activities and exploring gifted and talented.
Expert-led sessions such as ‘Community engagement that strengthens success for Pasifika students’, a visual arts day, a thinking and questioning skills session, a PE health and well-being workshop which are all hands-on with an emphasis on integration across the curriculum. Also included is a current and practical day exploring neurodiversity.
In the final session as the teachers near their full certification, they are encouraged to demonstrate their leadership skills and to step forward and provide short presentations of their choice, showcasing their areas of developing expertise from which we as educators can all benefit.
As well as Jo Williams providing consistent on-going mentorship all year in this programme, additional guest facilitators also offer mentoring support to our intermediate teachers.
The Second Year PCT Programme supports new teachers entering into their second year of teaching working with students aged 0-3 years. They receive eight practical PLD sessions, which include seven in-person sessions and one Zoom meeting. At the start of the year, the PCTs receive refresher advice and guidelines around what an effective Induction and Mentoring Programme involves, in alignment with the learning setting they are in. The first session also presents an opportunity for teachers to review, reflect and refresh effective classroom management, organisation, routines, positive relationships and growth mindset. The second year programme offers content that goes deeper now that teachers have developed good foundations of how to run effective programmes in their first year. The programme covers essential topics, including current literacy and maths approaches, digital technology and digital literacy, foundation skills and oral language, effective support for English language learners (ESOL) and community engagement that strengthens success for Pasifika students. In addition, for the PCTs in this junior programme, are sessions demonstrating how to integrate visual art, thinking and questioning skills, PE, health and well-being. Also included is a current and practical day exploring neurodiversity. Experienced facilitators lead each session, encouraging hands-on activities and collaborative discussions to empower teachers with the skills needed to create inclusive, enriching learning environments for young children.
In the final session as the teachers near their full certification, they are encouraged to demonstrate their leadership skills and to step forward and provide short presentations of their choice, showcasing their areas of developing expertise from which we as educators can all benefit.
Jo Williams provides consistent on-going mentorship all year in this programme, and there is additional mentoring support for our new entrant teachers.
Mid Year Entry “Getting Started” Programmes
Second Year PCT Programme (for Teachers who teach 4-8 Year Students)
The Mid Year Entry PCT Programme for First Year Teachers of students aged 4-8 offers six sessions from July to November 2025. This concise programme supports new teachers working with students aged 4-8 years through offering two in-person sessions and four Zoom meetings. In session one, mid-year teachers will receive important advice and guidelines around what an effective Induction and Mentoring Programme involves, in alignment with the learning setting they are in. The first session also includes topics that encompass effective classroom management, routines and organisation, establishing positive relationships and growth mindset. Subsequent sessions deliver up to date literacy and mathematics approaches as well as an in-person current Te Reo Māori and New Zealand Histories workshop and an in-person session demonstrating how to integrate science (STEM) into a busy curriculum. The final session focuses on dyslexia support, providing practical strategies and insights for teachers.
Each session provides mentoring, reflection, and practical teaching strategies to enable mid-year new teachers to develop their confidence, skills and to build positive relationships in their classroom and school-wide. There is additional support offered in this programme for intermediate teachers starting at this mid-point of the year.
The Mid Year Entry PCT Programme for First Year Teachers of students aged 0-3 offers six sessions from July to November 2025. This concise programme supports new teachers working with students aged 0-3 years through offering two in-person sessions and four Zoom meetings. In session one, mid-year teachers will receive important advice and guidelines around what an effective Induction and Mentoring Programme involves, in alignment with the learning setting they are in. The first session also includes topics that encompass effective classroom management, routines and organisation, establishing positive relationships and growth mindset. Subsequent sessions deliver up to date literacy and mathematics approaches as well as an in-person, current Te Reo Māori and New Zealand Histories workshop and an in-person session demonstrating how to integrate science (STEM) into a busy curriculum. The final session focuses on dyslexia support, providing practical strategies and insights for teachers.
Each session provides mentoring, reflection, and practical teaching strategies to enable mid-year new teachers to develop their confidence, skills and to build positive relationships in their classroom and school-wide. There is additional support offered in this programme for our new entrant teachers who may have started in a new entrant setting at this mid-point of the year.
Lucie Cheeseman
Lucie has been a mathematics facilitator for the past 12 years presenting at Leadership conferences, PCT courses, National conferences and within many varied schools across Auckland. She has a special interest in acceleration programmes in mathematics, curriculum leadership, developing professional learning groups, enabling student agency and whanau connections. Lucie has been facilitating PCT courses for many years and is enthusiastic about igniting the passion and enthusiasm of our newest teachers. But above all else Lucie has a passion for nurturing children’s and teachers love and interest in the creativity of mathematics.
Alison Miller
Alison’s background and experience involves adult and tertiary education programme planning and course design. Previously employed at Air New Zealand’s Technical and Commercial Training Schools and Kohia Education Centre at the University of Auckland where she directed professional development programmes working with Early Childhood, New Entrant and Junior Primary teachers.
As a registered teacher and senior evaluative lecturer at AUT Alison assesses, evaluates, guides and supports tertiary students in their professional teaching growth. Her strengths include educational administration, planning, development, mentoring and assessment, skills that she brings to developing the PCT Manukau Programmes.
Jo Williams
Jo has been teaching for over 25 years. In the last 17 years Jo has mentored and advised PCTs as part of their Induction and Mentoring Programme at Kohia Education Centre at the University of Auckland and for Learning Network in West Auckland. Jo specialises in new entrant teaching but continues to teach across the age ranges. Her strengths lie in developing early numeracy and literacy skills. Jo has been a One Day School teacher, working in gifted and talented education and brings this experience to share with beginning teachers to develop questioning, inquiry and thinking skills in their own learning environments. She has also been an Ells (ESOL) teacher. Alongside her work with beginning teachers, Jo has been teaching part-time at Laingholm Primary School for the last 8 years. She is dedicated to remain teaching in the classroom so as to stay current, realistic and ‘walking the talk’ with new teachers!
Jill Smythe
Jill is an accomplished practitioner with considerable experience as a primary and intermediate classroom teacher. She previously spent three years as a maths learning and development facilitator with Team Solutions and has been a professional teaching fellow at the Faculty of Education, University of Auckland. Jill worked with the Ministry of Education to develop the Accelerated Learning in Maths Programme (ALiM). Her expertise is centred around increasing teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge so that they can affect greater change in their students’ understanding of concepts and accelerate progress in maths learning.
Juliette Laird
I look forward to working with PCTs on making The Arts a tool for teaching and learning. I have been teaching Visual Art at Intermediate level for 10 years, also facilitating art from Year 0 upwards and have 12 years experience as a Junior classroom teacher. I feel passionate about the value of including The Arts as a powerful means for children to inquire and learn across the curriculum. From my own and others’ research I know that The Arts matter and are a great way to engage children. Having led a number of PCT workshops at Kohia Education Centre as part of the programme mentored by Jo Williams, I know teachers have taken away ideas that they could use immediately as well as strategies to incorporate The Arts into units and themes.
Raewyn Flynn
Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Tutumoe tōku maunga. Ko Kaihu tōku awa. Ko Te Waiariki tōku hapū.
Ko Huruhurmanu tōku waka. Ko Raewyn Flynn tōku ingoa. I have been involved in education for more than 25 years working with children from early childhood to year 8, as well as with groups of adults. In furthering my own education it was a natural move learning te reo Māori and integrating it into my teaching practice. I also undertook the role of Kaiarahi at my school to support others in their journey of integrating te reo schoolwide. I am very happy to be part of this PCT facilitation team supporting kaiako to integrate more te reo Māori into their learning spaces. Ngā mihi nui, Raewyn.
Glenn Pressnell
Glenn has been teaching at Owairaka Primary School, Mt Albert for 13 years. During this time he has developed extensive knowledge on how to effectively and efficiently utilise technology in classroom settings, from both a cyber safety aspect and by researching the best websites available. Owairaka Primary School was one of the first schools to attach themselves to an ICT cluster (Ako Hiko) with Year 4-6 students having access to one-on-one devices. Integrating digital technology throughout the curriculum is very much a part of Glenn’s teaching approach as well as it being part of Owairaka Primary School’s philosophy. Glenn has supported teachers as they navigate their way through digital technology, and has been involved in all new digital initiatives that Owairaka Primary School has engaged in during the past 13 years.
Virginia Best
Virginia is an experienced teacher, connecting children with the natural environment, this includes her support for the ‘Enviroschools Programme’. She has a passion for the outdoors, believing that children should first engage with their environment with a view to understanding how to care for it. This engagement with the outdoors becomes an inspiration for literacy, maths, science and the arts. Virginia has assisted in setting up and managing the Garden to Table Programme in two Auckland schools; she regularly works with Auckland Council in her capacity as a Centre Educator at Arataki, Waitakere Ranges, teaching and guiding council members about the natural environment. Virginia will provide teachers with simple hands-on sensory activities connecting tamariki to their natural world, her approach is summed up by the whakatauki: Ko au te taiao, te taiao ko au (I am nature, nature is me).
Nicky Fleming
I have been teaching for over 25 years and currently I am a DP at Mt Roskill Intermediate School. I work on the Literacy and Maths Project Groups with the Puketāpapa Kāhui Ako. Previously I facilitated the Year Seven and Eight PCT Programme at Kohia Education Centre, University of Auckland whilst I was the Learning Leader for Literacy at MRI. Presently my portfolios include SENCo, Curriculum, Transition, Pasifika and I am the DP from MRI who sits on the Kāhui Ako Working Group.
Saga Vaisagote-Frost
Saga’s teaching experience includes mainstream Intermediate and Primary School levels together with specialised Samoan bilingual teaching. One of the highlights of her role as a Samoan bilingual teacher has been to successfully organise two overseas trips to Samoa in 2016 and 2018. She is currently a Year 5 and Year 6 Team Leader at Robertson Road School, Mangere East. Saga has served on the Board of Trustees of several Auckland Central Schools, both as a parent representative for seven years and a staff representative for two years. She is a Within Schools leader and Junior PE and Health Curriculum leader. Saga is actively involved with communities where her abilities and passion for change inspires Pasifika students to succeed to their full potential. Her personal goal is to nurture and grow great teachers.
Lisa Sparey
Teaching is my passion and after many years teaching at different levels both in NZ and overseas, I still get a ‘buzz’ when I teach – I love those special teaching moments! I always strive to help each child reach their potential by building strong relationships and making connections. I am currently working as a learning support coordinator so I have the opportunity to work across the school with colleagues, whānau, agencies and most importantly our amazingly talented ākonga. I have held leadership roles in curriculum, learning support and community and I have been a facilitator for new teachers, experienced teachers and teacher aides for both literacy and neurodiversity PLD workshops. When I am not teaching and thinking of new ideas, you will find me at the beach, often with my whānau and friends or creating a new art project.
Graham Cox
Graham has over 20 years teaching experience, including leadership roles. He has taught in West Auckland most of this time and is a Westie at heart. Graham runs his school’s sports and performing arts programmes. He has taught every year group from new entrants to year six. His strengths are varied, at the heart of his classroom is engagement and boosting self esteem; he uses science to encourage engagement with students. Creating wonder and developing a love of learning through science is where he comes from when presenting at PCT Beginning Teachers courses.
Sheena Cameron
Tēnā koutou katoa Ko Tāwhirirangi te maunga Ko Mōhaka te awa Ko Sheena is an experienced teacher who has taught at primary, intermediate and tertiary levels. Sheena currently facilitates literacy workshops both in New Zealand and internationally, and with Louise Dempsey has co-authored a number of books including Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies (2009), The Writing Book (2013) and The Reading Book (2019).
Jill Bibby
Kia ora, my name is Jill Bibby and I have taught in a wide variety of schools both in the UK and New Zealand during the last 15 years. In the past 8 years I have taught in the 0-2 age range.
Whilst I enjoy all aspects of literacy a new focus for me has been as a BSLA facilitator, and I enjoy working with fellow teachers to support them on their Structured Literacy journey. I look forward to supporting PCTs on their journey navigating the new literacy curriculum.
Being a language graduate and a qualified TESOL teacher enables me to teach many literacy skills to all åkonga.
Robyn McQueen
Robyn McQueen is a classroom music specialist, mentor, writer and workshop presenter. Originally a primary classroom teacher, she has taught from early childhood to year 10, as well as in community settings. Robyn is active in the music education community, especially through ONZA (Orff New Zealand Aotearoa), she is a past president and current committee member. Robyn’s recent achievement concerns completing her MEd through Waikato University. Robyn is passionate about supporting schools and teachers to keep music alive in the curriculum.
Manpreet Dhaliwhal
Manpreet has been teaching for over 16 years. In the last 14 years she has been a mentor to PCT’s and has facilitated many PLD workshops for both experienced and beginning teachers. She has an innovative, creative and energetic teaching style and is passionate about sharing her wealth of knowledge and resources with teachers starting out in the profession. She is particularly skilled in literacy and digital technology and has developed an effective and comprehensive way of combining these curriculum areas in her work-smart approach to the teaching of reading and writing. Manpreet gained a Master of Education in 2014 and is about to complete a Post Graduate Diploma in TESSOL from the University Auckland.
Nikki Johnson / Florence Rodwell
Nikki Johnson and Florence Rodwell are dedicated Healthy Active Learning Advisors working for CLM Community Sport. They impart a valuable message to our beginning teachers in saying – “The takeaway from this session for you is that teaching Physical Education is easier than expected, you have the ability to change the rules of the activities and as long as you have learning intentions connected to what you are doing the possibilities are endless! We will broaden your perception of what is possible when teaching Physical Education.” Both Nikki and Florence are passionate about building teachers’ confidence, knowledge and understanding of the Health and Physical Education learning area through a range of thought provoking discussions and practical activities.
They explore the different terminology used in schools, the Health Physical Education curriculum, and what constitutes quality PE.
Nikki has over 25 years teaching experience and was appointed CLM team leader in 2023. She has a doctoral study in primary PE.
Florence is a trained ECE and primary school teacher who attended our very own PCT Manukau Programme five years ago. She is now a valued part of our facilitation team. Florence understands the role of a primary school teacher and is skilled in mentoring our new teachers as well as offering her expertise in PE and Health.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Jo on the PCT programme. I started off with the Y4-8 programme in 2023 then I shifted to a Y0 class and Jo enabled me to join the 0-3 programme which would support me better with my new position. The sessions were so valuable and engaging.
One of the best parts was having a small morning tea and lunch for every session beautifully served so we felt really looked after! And always a warm conversation with Alison and Jo at break times. The course was also a great time and place to connect with other beginning teachers, to discuss questions that arose during this phase of teaching. The abundance of materials including links and lesson plans are stored on the drive which we always have access to. The attitude at the course was very respectful and professional. You could come with your worries and be sure to find support to go back with the wings grown behind your back. It was also a great time to take a breath between busy school days to get that information and resources and rock back into the school fully equipped.
Throughout the two years we had different speakers, who were vibrant, motivated, ready to share their tips. It was a great inspiration. I remembered well the Reading and Writing session, as well as the Math session. The Art session was very inspiring, the PE session was useful (as many teachers are reluctant to give it a good go) – it’s still fresh in my mind. Jo also gave us many lectures in which she made references to other teachers’ and researchers’ work. Jo also spoke a lot about her own expertise, she spoke from experience. I know Alison didn’t take a lot of lectures but I saw that she used to teach and do a lot of other great things. It was nice to get to know Alison closer, what a delicate, kind and caring person she is.
The course was very helpful to me as a new overseas teacher, I needed that support, including cultural support having come from a different country.
Thank you, dear Jo and the team! You are doing a wonderful job. I can’t believe there will be no other session scheduled at MIT for us.
Luliia Pashchuk, Dominion Road School
The PCT course has been a lifesaver for my Beginner Teaching journey. Jo and the team are a wealth of wisdom and will truly be a ray of sunshine for you. Jo always validates my experience and provides just the right question or suggestion to make me feel like “I’ve got this, I can do it!”, particularly as I started halfway through the year, taking over a challenging class. All the facilitators have been highly engaging and more importantly, have provided helpful and practical resources that actually work in the classroom. I cannot recommend this course more. All the very best.
Reggie Fox, Maungawhau School
I have learnt so much from each session that I have been to! Jo has been so encouraging and open to supporting us through our first year as BT’s.
Riya Vaidya, Mangere Central School
The beginning teacher programmes at MIT Pasifika offer relevant, practical and constructive PLD sessions from a diverse range of experienced and inspiring facilitators. The sessions have been carefully planned to occur at the right time of each term.
The real point of difference is the continual mentoring that Jo Williams offers during the year, it goes above and beyond what other PLD programmes offer. In addition to guest facilitators who facilitate the workshop contents, Jo attends every session so that she can be available to teachers for regular advice and guidance concerning the day to day realities of teaching. I believe that Jo’s proactive and individualised mentoring is invaluable for teachers at this early stage of their teaching journey. Teachers appreciate that Jo is only a phone call away when needed.
Virginia Best, Owairaka District School
It was great to attend the sessions at MIT with Jo and all the wonderful people she organised for us. I looked forward to each session and received so much valuable information from them.
I remember how Jo said that we should only select a few things to take away with us …. that we can’t do it all …. well, I could never decide what to take and what to leave!
Sandra Jenkins, Rowandale School
The Lucie Cheeseman session was wonderfully eye-opening. It gave me loads of ideas for my maths class and maths teaching practice.
Pearl Paniani Hohaia, Park Estate School
Thank you for all the awesome PD you organised for us! It was really fantastic to complement what my school was doing and to connect to other teachers at the same stage of their careers as me.
Alice Kapoor, Te Kauwhata Primary School
Thank you for all the awesome PD you organised for us! It was really fantastic to complement what my school was doing and to connect to other teachers at the same stage of their careers as me.
Georgina Mataroa, Mangere Central School
Awesome course! Huge variety of sessions and facilitators. Jo is friendly, supportive and fun. She makes the whole process of being a new teacher less daunting through reminding you that most of these things and feelings happen to us all. I left each and every session excited and re-invigorated to get back in to the classroom to implement what I’d learnt. Every facilitator was passionate, knowledgeable and provided worthwhile activities and PLD.
Brittany Reekie, Hillpark School
Jo Williams has been supportive and helpful and her reading session was very useful. I also loved the circle time activities that we all practiced with Jo.
Ivy-Rose Page-Pearce, Reremoana Primary School
Thank you so much for everything. It has been a great couple of years; the knowledge, ideas and different strategies that have been shared have been very useful in class. Even just having a space to discuss things openly with teachers from different schools and hear how they do things and what their successes and struggles are, is greatly beneficial. The practical nature of the course makes everything applicable and has definitely improved me as a teacher. Thank you again for all your help and support!
Jonathan Kelly, Hillpark School
I have learnt a lot and had so much support from other teachers in the same boat as me. Jo is helpful and kind.
Casey Chamberlain, Glenavon School
My deepest gratitude to Jo and all her team of facilitators who supported my beginning teacher journey through the PCT Beginning Teacher Programme. The sessions were very engaging and fun, we always felt that it was a safe space to share our successes and challenges. The second year programme offered greater value in content and structure as I was encouraged to draw upon the importance of developing a curious and teachable mindset. Building a strong foundation that informs our practice as beginning teachers begins from strong roots in programmes such as these.
Florence Rodwell, Manurewa South School
I really enjoyed the first year course. It was extremely helpful with resources and ideas. Jo is extremely approachable and it was nice working alongside other PCT’s who are from different schools but teach similar year groups. I would highly recommend this course to anyone.
Danielle Thomson, Hillpark School
A great learning experience for a BT; so many teaching strategies shared. I have learned a lot from the lovely and wonderful facilitators as well as learning from other beginning teachers from different schools all over Auckland. This programme has added a lot to my kete and I feel more confident using the strategies and techniques that I have learned.
Amanpreet Bhatia, Papatoetoe Central School
I enjoyed attending this Manukau course with Jo Williams. It was convenient and close to home/school. I liked the small cohort we had because we were able to network and build positive relationships. The course content was helpful and supported me as a first year BT.
Lilly Fifita, Papatoetoe West School
This PCT programme offers hands on content and the facilitators are engaging. It provided comparable situations and great resources ready to be used the very next day in the classroom.
Charlotte Wilkinson, Otahuhu Intermediate School
Why Choose Us
Embedded in our philosophy for PCTs is a desire to keep courses current, practical, realistic and inspiring. We emphasize integration across the entire curriculum and are dedicated to providing beginning teachers with a good foundation of how to run effective programmes.
Each session is delivered in an applied, interactive PLD teaching environment. While developing teachers’ pedagogy in education we also believe in the importance of taking this knowledge and seeing how it translates in the classroom where ideas are presented around the ‘how to’.
We believe that PCTs need ongoing support, advice and guidance as they navigate their way through their first two years of teaching, working towards gaining full certification.
Our PCT Manukau Programmes offer year round mentoring by Jo Williams as well as informal support as required. First Year PCTs receive nine PLD days, second year PCTs receive eight PLD days, all presented by experienced and recognised facilitators sharing their expertise and knowledge. Each session/mentoring focus has been carefully thought out and scheduled at a time of the year when it is most needed.
Our programmes are always well received and many schools have enrolled both first year and second year PCTs with us since our programmes began in 2018. We encourage you to read our reviews on the website.
So what do we feel are our points of difference compared to other PCT programmes out there?
Many school leaders with whom we have built relationships with over the years have cited that our Manukau PCT ‘programme package’ offers valuable on-going mentorship with Jo Williams all year; as well their teachers benefit from co-operatively working together at every session enabling them to flourish in a trusting, collaborative environment. The same group of teachers (from all over Auckland) move through this journey together.
School leaders have also praised the way our programmes engage a varied range of inspiring facilitators, rather than only focusing on using one or two facilitators to run a ‘programme’ all year.
In addition, we are proud that our Manukau PCT programmes deliver current and effective literacy and numeracy sessions as well as covering the entire curriculum. Nothing is missed out so that beginning teachers build a good foundation in every curriculum area and know how to integrate and work-smart.
Responding to feedback from school leaders and teachers, our programmes include current and practical sessions on neurodiversity, including information and guidance around dyslexia.
After each session, our facilitators share an abundance of resources/ideas with the teachers, these go into a shared group Google Drive. We encourage our teachers to share these valuable resources with their teams back at school. We enjoy the idea that each school that has enrolled a PCT with us has invested well and that this investment benefits the whole school community.
To help schools with their release planning all sessions are delivered on a Wednesday or Thursday.
Two zoom sessions are offered for our first year teachers and one zoom session is offered for our second year teachers during the year to help make our programmes more accessible, accounting for mid-winter illness, less travel and for easier organising of release time.
Feedback from previous participants have said that it is convenient, stress-free and reassuring that we use a prime location and that we use the same location and venue all year with straightforward parking on-site.
All sessions (apart from zooms) will run from 9.30am – 2.30pm to avoid peak traffic times as we understand that teachers often need to return to school for school meetings/events.
We provide morning tea and a light lunch.

Do I need to enrol in the full programme?
Yes, single sessions are not offered. Teachers may however enrol at any point during the year, mid year enrolments are accepted. These are full one year programmes for teachers to meet regularly, to network and integrate within a trusted and collaborative learning environment. This is important to maintain ongoing mentoring and support by the Lead Facilitator.
Who should apply to attend the programmes?
We are offering these programmes to primary / intermediate school teachers who are either –
First Year PCTs who teach 0-3 year students
First Year PCTs who teach 4-8 year students
Second Year PCTs who teach 0-3 year students
Second Year PCTs who teach 4-8 year students
Mid year entry applies only to first year programmes
Overseas trained teachers are welcome
ECE trained teachers are welcome
What is the cost of these programmes?
Cost: $975.00 (GST inclusive) for First Year PCT Programmes
Cost: $925.00 (GST inclusive) for Second Year PCT Programmes
Cost: $610.00 (GST inclusive) for First Year Mid Year Entry PCT Programmes
Are overseas trained teachers eligible?
Yes, we welcome overseas trained teachers into the programmes. Extra support, mentoring and zoom meetings can be arranged to underpin, strengthen current curriculum knowledge and connection to the NZ Curriculum.
Is a Parents Room available?
A Parents Room is available (Family Room 108, Building NS) with change table, armchair for your convenience. Teachers are welcome with new-borns and nursing infants. Where possible please contact Alison 0275 442 924 or alimilla@gmail.com in advance to arrange access.

Contact & Enrol
If you are interested in a programme, are wanting to enrol, or have more questions please call Alison Miller 027 544 2924 or Jo Williams 021 178 1672, or use this form to contact us.
Course Location
PCT Orientation: On the first day meet at MIT Pasifika Community Centre Reception
Individual course sessions will be held in the Manuhiri Room, School of Hospitality MIT, Building NT, Entry B, Room 108
Complimentary parking is available in the multi-level carpark Gate 11 Otara Road
Paid parking adjacent to Building NT using the ticket machine is available at $4.00 per day
MIT Pasifika Community Centre
Otara North Campus, 53 Otara Road, Otara, Auckland, 2023

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